American Football, Pre-Season 2023, Testspiel, Lübeck Cougars - Hamburg Blue Devils, Buniamshof (Lübeck), 22.04.2023
- Gallery:
- Preseason Game: Lübeck Cougars – Hamburg Blue Devils
- Description:
- Thies Wrobel (#31, Cougars), Jan-Niklas Kaufmann (#38, Cougars, RB), Philipp Montero Suero (#13, Cougars, DB)
- Copyright:
- © Roberto Seidel / R.Seidel Imagery, Copyright 2023, All rights not specifically granted are reserved.
- Keywords:
- #American_Football #Begeisterung #Emotionen #Event #Freude #Freundschaftsspiel #HBD #Hamburg_Blue_Devils #Herren #Jubel #Lübeck_Cougars #Männer #Preseason_Game #Sport #Testspiel #Veranstaltung #Vorbereitungsspiel #Wettkampf #cheerful #competition #feiern #froh #fröhlich #glücklich #happy #jubeln #jubelnd #jubelt #lucky #satisfied #zufrieden #✶
- recording date:
- 22.04.2023
- resolution of the original:
- 4240 x 2830 px