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RS-1-003861 | Joshua Poznanski (#14, Frankfurt, SS)RS-1-003858 | Joshua Poznanski (#14, Frankfurt, SS)American Football, Saison 2022, European League of Football (ELF), Hamburg Sea Devils - Raiders Tirol, Stadion Hoheluft (Hamburg), 10.09.2022, Halbfinale | Tim Unger (#33, Raiders, LB) jubelt nach einem verhinderten FieldgoalAmerican Football, Saison 2022, European League of Football (ELF), Hamburg Sea Devils - Istanbul Rams, 31.07.2022, 9. Gameweek | Salih Özdemir (#23, Istanbul, LB)American Football, Saison 2022, European League of Football (ELF), Hamburg Sea Devils - Istanbul Rams, 31.07.2022, 9. Gameweek | Burak Karacor (#92, Istanbul, DE) verlässt jubelnd das Feld zur HalbzeitpauseAmerican Football, Season 2021, ELF All Stars - US Nationalmannschaft, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark (Berlin), 03.10.2021 | Defensive Backs des ELF-Allstars-Team (v.l.): Justin Rogers (#24, ELF All Stars, Defense, Hamburg Sea Devils), Nick Wenzelburger (#31, ELF All Stars, S, Stuttgart Surge), Barry Maruschke (#25, ELF All Stars, DB, Hamburg Sea Devils), Zec Goran (#5, ELF All Stars, DB/S, Wroclaw Panthers), Andy Vera (#27, ELF All Stars, DB, Barcelona Dragons), Roedion "Dion" Henrique (#25, ELF All Stars, DB, Leipzig Kings), Marcel Dabo (#22, ELF All Stars, DB, Stuttgart Surge), Niko LeVahn Lester (#31, ELF All Stars, DB, Barcelona Dragons), Joshua Poznanski (#14, ELF All Stars, DB, Frankfurt Galaxy)American Football, Season 2021, ELF All Stars - US Nationalmannschaft, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark (Berlin), 03.10.2021 | Defensive Backs des ELF-Allstars-Team (v.l.): Justin Rogers (#24, ELF All Stars, Defense, Hamburg Sea Devils), Nick Wenzelburger (#31, ELF All Stars, S, Stuttgart Surge), Barry Maruschke (#25, ELF All Stars, DB, Hamburg Sea Devils), Zec Goran (#5, ELF All Stars, DB/S, Wroclaw Panthers), Andy Vera (#27, ELF All Stars, DB, Barcelona Dragons), Roedion "Dion" Henrique (#25, ELF All Stars, DB, Leipzig Kings), Marcel Dabo (#22, ELF All Stars, DB, Stuttgart Surge), Niko LeVahn Lester (#31, ELF All Stars, DB, Barcelona Dragons), Joshua Poznanski (#14, ELF All Stars, DB, Frankfurt Galaxy)American Football, Season 2021, EFL Playoffs, Halbfinale, Hamburg Sea Devils - Panthers Wroclaw, Stadion Hoheluft, 12.09.2021 | Tobias Nill (#82, Hamburg Sea Devils, Offense) jubelt mit ausgestreckter FaustAmerican Football, Season 2021, EFL Playoffs, Halbfinale, Hamburg Sea Devils - Panthers Wroclaw, Stadion Hoheluft, 12.09.2021 | Lukas Rehder (#89, Hamburg Sea Devils, Offense), Xavier Jerome Johnson (#24, Hamburg Sea Devils, Offense) und Simon Ajuwon Homadi (#26, Hamburg Sea Devils, Offense) freuen sich über den TouchdownAmerican Football, Season 2021, EFL Playoffs, Halbfinale, Hamburg Sea Devils - Panthers Wroclaw, Stadion Hoheluft, 12.09.2021 | Xavier Jerome Johnson (#24, Hamburg Sea Devils, Offense) und Salieu Cessay (#1, Hamburg Sea Devils, QB) freuen sich über den Touchdown